Thank you a lot, a much needed post indeed! ❤️

For me there is another negative point: at the Fair everything seems possible, inspiration comes from all over, magnificent, magical... but soon after everything deflates. There are no concrete results, even those very few publishers who seemed interested do not respond to my emails, not even after 6 months, a year... ever. Like a fizzy drink - everything seemed effervescent but soon after it becomes flat, undrinkable. Then from "everything looks possible" I get to the very wrong feeling "everything is impossible, everything is useless". As you said: it is mostly about inspiration, getting out of one's bubble and not about getting a book deals, networking with publishers etc. ! But you know how an illustrator's subconscious works... 😳

Only once I had a concrete, although unusual, result after Bologna Fair: a publisher contacted me a year later to buy one of my paintings (I am also a painter, besides an illustrator), and for a very good price for my point of view. :-)

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I feel this so much! My first year I stood in line at Min Edition and watched the reviewer completely dismiss the woman's portfolio in front of me. I figured I was in for it, but he said he loved what he saw. I had a few pages from an original manuscript and he talked about publishing it. Then he called his colleague over and introduced me as their next author/illustrator! Unfortunately he'd run out of cards. I offered to write down his email, but he took my postcard, shook my hand, and said he'd get in touch. But...nothing. I didn't get his name. I tried to look him up but I was so overwhelmed by everyone I met, I couldn't be sure who was who. So yeah...very deflating. 😂

That's so cool you sold a painting though! And clearly you made an impression.

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Thank you for this! It was a much needed read for me this morning 💗

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I'm so glad to hear it! I got hit with the FOMO first thing in the morning and needed to remind myself of there are real reasons I don't prioritize it anymore.

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What a much needed post to read right now Jennifer thank you! I’m wondering about going next year but know I’ll be the one trying to book an early ticket home 😂. Love the ideas for fake Bologna ❤️

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Hahaha the good thing about the occasional bummer review is that you now have a dozen new besties to tell you how amazing your work actually is! It's a wonderful experience over all, and I'm sure I'll go back sometime, but I know now that the real value is not in the fair itself but in the friends you make there.

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Just left the faire and while I do feel inspired and have a confidence boost, I don’t need to do it again. lol unless I get to participate in some way and/or make it one stop on a friend (illustrators) trip 😬

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It's all about that illustrators trip! I wish we all weren't so far away!

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“You may even be so inspired you decide to burn your portfolio in the hopes that an illustrated phoenix will rise from its ashes.” This made me laugh out loud! Much needed post as I was definitely feeling the FOMO all week 😭Thank you for sharing this lovely post Jennifer!

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I may or may not have singed my fingers a few times. 🔥

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Thank you so much for this. This is great, actionable advice that I needed reminding of ☺️

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Thanks! I needed reminding of it, too!

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I think you just confirmed all my understandings and assumptions about Bologna. Thank you!

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Happy to help! It's definitely a positive experience, but not the career move it sometimes seems. That said, the conference tickets are so cheap, you can basically go to Bologna for the price of SCBWI!

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Yep... and especially when you're a bookmaker (author & Illustrator) who lives in Seattle... which is half again as far away. And anyhow, once I get a peek at that illustrator wall, I more or less know it's more than a long shot. I agree that mailed in stuff can work... I once landed an agent that way. So yeah, a tourist trip to Italy sounds more sensible... but thanks!

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That illustrator wall is wild, righ? You definitely have to be strategic to stand out. But even if you do, not much comes of it. It's mostly seen by other artists, but even though I met a couple of publishers after catching them taking pics of my art, it never went further than that.

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I adore going to Bologna and don’t think I’ll ever not want to go if I possibly can! But you are also so right! It’s definitely not necessary, just so good for the soul. So much joy!

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Agreed. I'll happily go back sometime, but it'll primarily be for the inspo and camaraderie!

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Brilliant post that’s spot on with my views about attending the fair. I’ve gone twice and my then agent went every year. I’d receive detailed feed back from her about my portfolio but generally nothing came of it. A publisher told me it’s stressful trying to avoid lingering illustrators hoping to nab her as she nips to the loo or get a coffee. I always say go to the fair to get inspiration, see the international books and to enjoy Bologna.

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Oh I can bet it must be stressful avoiding illustrators! The last time I was there, I heard that a publisher chose to open their reviews an hour early because a group of illustrators were already waiting and they felt bad. Of course that meant that everyone who showed up for the correct time couldn't get in. I've seen some mildly aggressive behavior, too. Kinda glad not to be a part of that.

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What a great post! Also, the "Not Going to Bologna Pity Party Meetup" idea cracks me up, but sounds totally amazing and fun!!! Thanks for sharing!

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Wonderfully perceptive for all those now feeling in the know, thank you!

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Thank you!

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Wow!!!!! Here, cheers to us, the others that are trying really hard to fit in the children’s books illustrations world. Keep it up good talented people, someday we will make it 🙌🏻

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That's the spirit! 💪

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Yessss, thank you!

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Excellent post, Jennifer! I’m here now and you’re 100% spot on. Mostly I’m here because my critique group is from all over the world and we’re using Bologna as a good excuse to meet up in person and combine vacation with business. It’s true: it fills your creative well and forges relationships, but going doesn’t ensure a book deal or a successful career or anything like that. I loved reading your thoughts and was just nodding my head the whole time. I’m not planning on going next year, so I’ll have to remember to pull up this post in 2025 when that FOMO sets in, as I’m sure it will.

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Haha I think I may have to reference it a lot, mysefl. And yes, Bologna is a great excuse to meet up with friends from all over. So many of my closest illo friends are in Europe and we're all open about wanting to go back just to see each other. But since it's not really about Bologna, we often talk about planning a meetup somewhere else instead.

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I'm not even a children's book illustrator, but was wishing I was so I could wish I was going to Bologna! I love your writing and thinking. This was so nicely put. No longer wishing. And thinking about gathering a local group together. Thanks!

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Hahaha hilarious! I've definitely done the same with other things. But getting a creative crew together is always the most meaningful part.

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Excellent post. Thank you Jennifer!

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Thanks Shirley!

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